uploads/links land.jpg

links land links land = links 1。

links-and-links machine

In order to meet the demands of an increasingly broader movement of people and goods over the borders of the metropolis and prefectures , the further improvement of the transportation network that links land , air and sea in the greater tokyo area will be boosted 今后的方向為了滿足都內和各道府縣不斷增長的客流和物流的需求,進一步改進連接東京圈的陸海空為樞紐的交通網絡的工作將得到充實。

This rolling links land was where rabbits and grass vied for existence . smooth areas nibbled short by rabbits greens alternated with rough grass . the greens were connected by sheep paths of varying widths 有的地方因兔子的啃咬,草地變成低矮光滑的“綠地” ,并和荒草地交替成形,同時這些“綠地”被寬窄不一的羊群小道連接著。

During the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries the scottish game of golf probably moved out of the streets and churchyards either to common ground known as greens or on to the coastal links land 世紀,蘇格蘭高爾夫大概從街道和墓地移出到當時稱為“綠地”的公共場地和沿海岸沙丘地。大約在